'Potomac' The unpronounceable-funny name...
if you don't live in Washington, DC!
The Potomac River (pronounced 'Po-toe-mac') flows past Washington, DC , originating high in the Appalachian Mountains of Maryland and West Virginia, and the high country of Virgina, terminating 405 miles down river into the Chesapeake Bay.
"Potomac" is a European spelling of Patowmeck, the Algonquian name of a Native American village on its southern bank. Native Americans had different names for different parts of the river, calling the river "Patawomke"or, "Patawomeck"
(as on Captain John Smith's map) to Patomake," "Patowmack," and numerous other spellings in the 18th century and now simply "Potomac"
The Native Americans also referred to all the land and territory from the highlands of Maryland, Virginia, South and East including Baltimore, to the Eastern Shore (which is pretty much our territory). Potomac, literally meant to these tribes trading with the new Europeans and New American settlers... "To bring valuable goods to the Trading Place."
We think what we bring to 'The Trading Place' is pretty valuable too. We offer best in class talent and Services at a fair price with honesty, an unblemished reputation, and an insane eye for detail.
You might have noticed the rings too in our logo. Like ripples expanding across the water, we believe in the Ripple Effect. We know we do great work and we know that you will refer us to others in the future. Direct referrals is our number one marketing tool and has been for over twenty five years. We know that when we do good work, it produces endless reverberations that will reflect favorably on you - long after the event is over.